K12Station Educational Site of the Day

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Mammals: January 21, 2007

Today's K12Station.com featured site explores the world of Mammals. As always, keep in mind that there are over 20,000 great educational website links in the K12Station.com Internet Resource Libraries!

NHM - Mammals

From tiny shrews to enormous whales, mammals are the most diverse group of animals ever to live on our planet. Equipped with wings, fins, horns and spines – they have evolved to fill many niches and roles. Discover more about this complex group, which of course, includes us.

Also visit the K12Station Mammals Library for Intermediate Students

Monday, January 08, 2007

Macbeth: January 8, 2007

Today's K12Station.com featured site explores one of Shakespeare's most prominent works. As always, keep in mind that there are over 20,000 great educational website links in the K12Station.com Internet Resource Libraries!

BBC - Macbeth

An amazing multimedia overview of the themes and characters of Macbeth from the BBC. Explore the plot, characters, and the process of writing a play.

Also visit the K12Station Shakespeare Library

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Interactive Green Swamp: January 2, 2007

Welcome back to school, and Happy New Year! Today's K12Station.com featured site takes students on a unique tour of a peculiar slice of nature. As always, keep in mind that there are over 20,000 great educational website links in the K12Station.com Internet Resource Libraries!

Interactive Green Swamp

An incredible multimedia site on Florida's Green Swamp. The 870-square-mile Green Swamp is a large expanse of poorly drained flat terrain, where the groundwater is close to the surface. explore this amazing ecosystem at this site!

Also visit the K12Station Ecosystems and Biomes Library for Middle School Students